Isla’s Blog

Name to be Changed Later

My Perfect World

There are a lot of problems in our world. So this is my new world, the former Kepler-186f that orbits around the star Kepler-186. The planet is now named Cirreliotropatus, derived from the two words heliotrope and cirrostratus. Locals call it Planet Cir. The planet was named for its sky, a faded heliotrope color with Cirrostratus clouds, creating a marbled sky. There is one sun in the day and in the night the sky has two moons named Faye and Altair. Altair is a huge moon hovering over the horizon, and taking up about one fourth of it. Faye, the moon that is about eight times smaller than Altair floats in front of Altair at the top left corner.

In the southeast, there are many farms and fields creating a patchwork pattern if you look at it from above, sheltered by low mountains and hills. This is where the majority of the food was made. There were many crops grown in the fields and backyard gardens the villagers tended to. There was a farmers market every fortnight where the farmers met about the most recent crop plagues and swapped tips. The farmers also raised and herded sheep, pigs, horses, and cows. The farmers sold them around the globe for work, making sure who they were giving the animal to and that it would be well cared for. The farmers were also experienced enough to not help them so much that they couldn’t survive on their own.

Cir’s southwest was mainly islands and lagoons and beaches. There were five main islands with 28 others littered around them. The five main ones were called Cerulean Lagoon, Snow Beach, Hanging Cliffs, Land of Spice, and The Port. The Port was where all the fish were caught and where goods and ships came in hourly. Land of Spice was a broken circle of island with such a salty sea inside, that you could walk on the water, being supported by the salt. The island itself held numerous herbs and spices that were cultivated by the villagers there. Hanging cliffs was the most dangerous island, with rocks and land jutting up all throughout with waves of turmoil crashing against them. Snow Beach and Cerulean Lagoon were the main tourist attractions, with lakes of silverfish, white, soft sand beaches, and boardwalks all throughout and connecting the two islands.

In the northeast, there are many lush forests with rivers winding through. This was the most rainy climate, with warm showers frequent. There were many different species of trees and plants, some poisonous and fatal, some helpful and can easily be made into a medicine. The ones that were both the villagers really had to look out for. They lived their lives in treehouses with vine walkways connecting them; their whole city was above ground.

The northwest is the complete opposite with marbled russet, gold, orange, brown, and beige dunes and canyons. Some villages lived in the sheltered canyons but most were in the deserts scattered around. The dunes were the most deadly place to live due to the unpredictable sandstorms that frequented the area. 

Cir’s very, very, utmost north is the coldest place on the planet. There are fields of snow with igloos and ski slopes dotted around. Most people who live there live off of their reindeer and the fish they can get from ice fishing. The reindeer provides warm clothes, and things to cushion their igloos with. Sometimes tourists come to visit the crystal caves and underground ice skating rinks but it’s usually only the local nomads. The nomads are the only people of Cir that eat any other meat besides birds and fish, which Cir has an abnormal abundance of. 

Cir’s political system is split between the five sections. They all have a representative democracy with five different groups in power for each and a representative for each. If any of them have a conflict with another and it cannot be resolved with the others, they will meet up with the other leaders to discuss and come to a conclusion that will be best for everyone. Each person pays a tax depending on their income. Everyone pays the same percentage but the amounts of money vary to make it affordable. That way, the rich can afford to pay more and the poor don’t go broke. If someone doesn’t have a job or can’t bring in income to feed their family, they will get a sort of “allowance”. The allowance is enough to be able to feed that person and their immediate family, but not enough so the person becomes lazy and can live off the allowance without getting a job. The taxes mainly go toward free healthcare and education and the allowances, but other things too.

In terms of technology, Cir has very advanced technology, although the citizens prefer a simple life without the obsession over it. The technology is used for fast travel and urgent communication between others. Cir also has a complex space program where they can easily travel from the nearby planets. There were no fossil fuels on Cir, so the planet has mile upon miles dedicated to solar and wind farms. Each person does their part to take care of the planet by composting and doing their own recycling. Everything from Cir is made from natural resources such as a plastic-like substance. It is made out of sap from a leaf that when boiled and hardened, it becomes a hard and clear substance.

For Planet Cir’s overall society I would generally describe them as advanced. The people as a whole have not only gotten past the “me versus us” state of mind, but have gotten past the “us versus them” state of mind. This means that although each person belongs to multiple groups of identity, they each respect and admire each other as equals. Everyday as they experience new advancements and beliefs, the people become even more accepting.  

This is the society, government, geography, and world that would be perfect for me if I could create my own. Advanced people, Earth’s main problems fixed, this is a land I designed to be adjustable for anyone. What would you change about our world?


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